Undergraduate Courses
700.401A Logic and Writing in Science
This course aims to teach practical as well as theoretical knowledges of the features of the thinking and understanding in science and of the linguistic ways to communicate them. Special focus will be given to the ability of secondary expression in science and to develop effective teaching methods. Through the course, the ways to encourage students reading and discussion in teaching them science will be explored.
700.021(018)* Teacher Preparation for Student Management
The main objective of this course is to help the prospective teachers to adapt themselves to the secondary school setting as beginning teachers and to understand teachers role and their administrative work. This course provides comprehensive topics needed for student management such as ‘teachers’ ethics’, ‘social changes and education’,‘teenage culture’, and ‘classroom management and student discipline.’ Main focus of this course in on grasping the practical knowledges and skills needed for teachers to do the practical job at the school setting.
718.201* Organic Chemistry 1
This course covers simple organic compounds with empasis on structure, bonding and reaction. Itspre-requisite is Fun- damental Chemistry and Lab 1,2.
718.202* Organic Chemsitry 2
Following , this course covers simple organic compounds with empasis onbonding and reaction, structure and various functional groups. Itspre-requisite is .
718.208* Physical Chemistry 1
As one of the major requirement courses in the Department of Chemistry Education, this course covers basic principles of quantum chemistry and quantum theories and approaches describing structures and energies of atoms followed by spectroscopy as a tool to investigate properties of atoms and molecules. and molecules. This course has pre-requisites of General physics, General Chemistry and Calculus.
718.214* Analytical Chemistry 1
This course discusses systematical approaching method to deal with an equilibrium inseveral kinds of fundamental chemical reaction which is related to all fields of chemical science. It also covers basic topics such as activity, concentration, gravimetric and volumetric analysis, titrations using precipitation formation and acid-base neutralization, and determination of metal ion concentration using chelates complex formation/EDTA titration. Theories and methodology measuring composition, quantity, and concentration of unknown samples will be dealt with based on understanding of funda- mental
718.215* Analytical Chemistry 2
Fundamentals of several types of chromatography and countcurrent distribution for separation and extraction of pure components will be covered using different physical/chemical properties of chemical substances in the mixtures. This course involves oxidation /reduction of materials, fundamental electrochemistry, redox titrations, electrolysis, electrogravimetric and coulometric analyses, voltammetry, fundamentals of spectrophotometry and spectroscopic analyses using light properties.
718.305* Organic Chemistry Lab.
This class deals with characterization and purification of organic compounds, as well as purification techniques and related experiments. Also this class studies the purification techniques, characterization and synthesis of organic compounds.
718.308* Analytical Chemistry Lab.
The laboratory experiments cover several types of volu- metric analyses using titration such as precipitation reaction, acid-base neutralization, redox reaction, chelate EDTA complex formation reaction in order to detect and quantize a specific component existing in the unknown mixture solution. In addition, spectrophotometric determination of metal ion, iodimetric titration of vitamin C, electrogravimetric analysis of copper ion, analysis of a mixture of carbonate and bicarbonate, and standard addition method will be included in this lab course.
718.309* Physical Chemistry 2
In this course, by covering statistical thermodynamics quantum chemical properties of atoms and molecules are linked with macroscopic thermodynamic properties of matter, and based on the laws of thermodynamics, the properties and the structure of gas, liquid, and solid, the phase change and equilibrium, and the topics of chemical changes are studied. This course has a pre-requisite of .
718.311* Inorganic Chemistry 1
This course provides an introductory survey of periodic table, the structure and bonding of inorganic compounds, group theory, acid-base, solid state chemistry, and various reactions as well as thermodynamics and kinetics of inorganic compounds.
718.312* Inorganic Chemistry 2
This course covers such topics as bonding theory, structure, stereochemistry, electronic spectroscopy, and reaction mechanism of coordination complexes, organometallic chemistry, catalysis and inorganic macro molecules.
718.316* Theories of Chemistry Education
This course covers learning theories applied to chemistry instruction in secondary schools. It discusses the topics such as behavioral, cognitive, and constructivist learning theories. In addition, the course emphasizes the contemporary perspectives of learning theories.
718.319* Physical Chemistry Lab.
As a parallel lecture with lecture dealing with the theories and basics on quantum chemistry, spectroscopy, statistical thermodynamics, thermodynamics, and chemical reaction, this lecture is aiming to have students to have concrete experiences on chemical concepts through experiments and to have hands-on experiences of physical chemistry research tools as well as to understand the background knowledges of the research tools. For this purpose, it is recommended to take lectures in advance. Considering the majority of students taking this lecture is aiming for teaching, a great deal of weight is placed on thermodynamics covering various topics such as phase equilibrium, solution, electrochemistry, spectroscopy, kinetics, surface chemistry, and phenomena on ion transport.
718.419* Materials and Methods in Teaching of Chemistry
This course studies the chemistry pedagogy for secondary schools, through the analyses of school textbooks. In addition, the course provides relevant practices.
718.427 Organic Spectroscopy
This course studies the elucidation of organic structure by physical techniques. It also deals with theories about infrared, ultraviolet, as well as nuclear magnetic resonance and mass spectra.
718.442* Research in Chemistry Education
This course includes contemporary theories about the nature of science and implications of them in science education, as well as its evaluation methods.
718.449 Chemistry Education Lab.
This course provides chemistry experiments related to secondary school curricula including discussions on lab education.
718.456* Inorganic Chemistry Lab.
This course enables students to acquire skills for synthesis. separation, electronic spectroscopy, analytical methods of various inorganic compounds and porous materials and preparation and stereochemistry of coordination complexes as well as techniques of Schlenk lines for air-sensitive materials.
718.457A Chemistry Research 1
This course studies the systematic research procedures in a given area of chemistry. It involves researches into relevant literature, oral presentations, experiments, and written theses.
718.458 Chemistry Research 2
This course discusses recent research trends in chemistry and its education. It involves researches into relevant literature, oral presentations, experiments, and written theses in a given area of chemistry.